King's book on the stories transdisciplinary knowledges tell (Duke 2011):
“King... here offers a challenging, meandering take on feminist transdisciplinary posthumanities through the lens of networked reenactment--what one could think of as transmedia storytelling, experiments in communication, and/or epistemological melodramas.... Recommended.”—S.E. Vie, CHOICE Magazine.
"Networked Reenactments is an extraordinary book that explores how to inhabit with seriousness and pleasure the many discomforts that we experience when trying to do work that matters to us and maybe to others.... Because any serious person is obliged to 'traverse knowledge worlds in terms not of our own making,' King shows her readers how to 'befriend transdisciplinary movements' with all of our vulnerability and power, capacity and incapacity, hope and worry. It is all about learning to play, or, as King writers, 'learning to be affected.'"—Donna Haraway, from the Foreword.
"Networked Reenactments is an extraordinary book that explores how to inhabit with seriousness and pleasure the many discomforts that we experience when trying to do work that matters to us and maybe to others.... Because any serious person is obliged to 'traverse knowledge worlds in terms not of our own making,' King shows her readers how to 'befriend transdisciplinary movements' with all of our vulnerability and power, capacity and incapacity, hope and worry. It is all about learning to play, or, as King writers, 'learning to be affected.'"—Donna Haraway, from the Foreword.
“In this lively, thoughtful, and provocative book, Katie King traces the multiple layers and complex intertwined ‘communities of practice’ that assemble around such diverse discursive sites as television programs, academic classes and conferences, museum exhibitions, and other public spectacles. Networked Reenactments leaves the reader with a heightened sense of the possibilities, as well as the limits and dangers, of contemporary knowledge production, of the ways that we collectively make meanings and understand the heritage of the past in the present.”—Steven Shaviro, author of Connected, or What It Means to Live in the Network Society.